Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ok.... So First things first,
THIS IS NOT A BLOG. This is a Creative Personal Canvas ((Corniness FTW)) of a Muffin Obsesses Walrus Hording Spastastic Fire Breathing Shadow Ninja. =3
Here You will Find Rants, Evil Schemes, Personal Thoughts and OCD Moments of a "Normal" Teenage Girl.
What dose Normal Mean anyway? (: My Goal In Life is to Destroy Every Mushroom on the Planet, How? With my MAN EATING MUFFIN MINIONS Yes, Yes, Man Eating Muffins. I Have Been Working on this Project since I was 10. I Find it to Be Coming along Very Nicely. =3 After all the Mushrooms are out of the Way, I am Moving on to Bigger thing, I plan to be taking over the World. MAN EATING MUFFIN STYLE. I Haft to Stop here. I HAVE SAID TO MUCH! **is currently retreating to Secret laboratory**